Sunday, January 24, 2021

Armor and helicopters for Vietnam

 The magnificent Empress Miniatures M113 and Patton tank. Helicopters are by HobbyBoss and Revell (stick to Hobbyboss!!!) and the door gunners are by Empress Miniatures. 

Do you wanna live forever? Or at all? Undead for Oathmark coming to the table.

 I finished my Undead for Oathmark. I think I am done painting Fantasy for quite a while now.

Also, I might have overshot my mark. They're 6.500 points worth of Undead.....

The figures come from a wide range of leftovers: Zvezda Cursed Legion, Reaper Bones Wraiths, GW Ghosts, Mantic Ghouls and Revenants, Zombicide Archers, North Star Frostgrave stuff and some undead that are so old I have no idea who made them.