Showing posts with label A Fistful of Kung Fu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Fistful of Kung Fu. Show all posts

Friday, April 17, 2015

Vehicular pursuit rules for A Fistful of Kung Fu 1.2 (EDIT May 8th)

The magnificent little ruleset that is A Fistful of Kung Fu has very few flaws, but vehicle pursuit rules are unfortunately not included. Allthough Andrea Sfiligoi is working on an expansion that also includes these rules, I became impatient and wrote my own. These are currently being playtested and will be edited in the future. In the meantime, feel free to try them yourself! 

EDIT May 8th:
Ramming modifier for heavier vehicles added. Turn rules improved and enhanced turn ability for bikes added. 

Pictures of a test game


Vehicles activate the same way and at the same moment as the driver. The driver rolls 1-3 Activation Dice. A Driving Activation may either be a Move, a Stunt or Hands-off-the-Wheel (HotW). These may be combined in any order.

Vehicles have a Combat and a Speed stat and a Turn Stat. Vehicles offer 2 points of cover unless stated otherwise. 


                               Combat                 Speed                    Turn (max 90 degrees)
Bulldozer                  C10                        Short                      Short curved Move
Truck                        C8                           Medium                 Medium curved move
Car                           C4                           Long                      Medium curved Move
Bike                          C2                           2xMedium             Long curved Move

·         The vehicle may execute a Turn (any Move deviating from a straight- and along a curved line), an Emergency stop, a Start or a move of a maximum of Speed inches in a straight line for 1 Activation.

A turn is any deviation from a straight line up to a total of 90 degrees. Cars may only turn once per activation. Bikes may turn twice. 

·                     Unlike other Actions, a Stunt MUST be announced beforehand!
·                     The vehicle may execute a Stunt for 2 Activations. Should the driver not get the two required Actions, he                 will Lose Control. 
·                     a 180 Turn (any turn of more than 90 degrees)
·                     a Jump (2x Speed)   
·                     a Wheelie ( half the space width to pass through)
·                     a High speed turn (after at least 2 full straight moves)

A car performing a wheelie on a wheelie stand

while driving (which will still cost him at least 1 Activation) the driver may execute one Action for 1 other Activation like shooting out of the window, grabbing a passer-by or opening/closing a door.

Lose Control
Failing a Quality Test by the driver or rolling three Failures means the driver Loses Control of the vehicle. The vehicle will immediately move 1 x Speed in a random direction in its forward 180 degrees and then stop. The engine will falter in any case and needs to be re-started.  

Vehicle combat
Ramming a vehicle with another vehicle works like close combat. Both parties roll 1d6, add Combat and modifiers and consult the Vehicle Combat Table. Buildings and other Immovable terrain features have a Combat result value of 10 (no roll). Treat a collision with an immovable terrain feature (e.g. a building) as an attack by the terrain feature on the vehicle.

Heavy vehicle vs light vehicle always gets a +2 for the Heavy vehicle (i.e. car vs bike). 

 A ramming attack in progress

Vehicle Combat Table

Attacker wins by:
Target wins by:
- Target Vehicle is moved D6 cm away from the attacker
- Attacker is immovable object: target vehicle stops and engine falters
No effect
- Target driver rolls Q test or Lose Control
- Attacker is immovable object: target vehicle is disabled. Passengers may exit in the next turn.
No effect
- Target disabled and driver rolls Q test -1 or Loses Control
- Attacker is immovable object: target vehicle is disabled. Passengers take a C4 hit. Bikers take a C6 hit.
Target Driver gets 1 Reaction (even an Extra!)
- Target car disabled and driver  loses Control
- Attacker is immovable object: target vehicle is disabled. 1 Extra is killed. All others take a C6 hit. Bikers take a C8 hit.
- Attacker driver rolls Q test or Loses Control
- Attacker is immovable object: target vehicle stops in time and may make 1 free Move.

- Target flips over and crashes into the nearest terrain feature. All Extras are killed. All other car passengers take a C6 hit. Bikers take a C8 hit.
- Attacker car disabled and driver rolls Q test -1 or Loses Control
- Attacker is immovable object: target vehicle evades immovable object and may either make 1 free Move or immediately roll for 3 Activations.

Shooting at the passengers of a vehicle works as normal. All covered vehicles except bikes offer -2 Cover unless stated otherwise.

Shooting at a vehicle works as normal. Both the shooter and the vehicle roll 1d6, add Combat and modifiers and consult Shooting At Vehicles Table.

Shooting at Vehicles Table

Attacker wins by:
Target wins by:
Windshield shatters. Target driver rolls Q test or Loses Control
No effect
Tire hit! Target driver rolls Q test -1 or Loses Control. All Q-tests are now -1.
No effect
Driver is hit! If disabled, passenger must roll Q test to take over the wheel! Or LC....
- Shooter drops his weapon in the car. Takes 1 Action to retrieve it.
Target Vehicle disabled. Roll Q test or LC
- Shooters weapon jams. It takes 1 full turn to unjam it.
- in a crowd, a bystander is hit on a 5-6

Gas tank hit. Target vehicle explodes and LC. All car passengers take a C6 hit. Survivors may exit the vehicle.
- Shooter startles the attacker driver. Roll Q test or LC
- shooter drops his weapon on the street. It is lost.

Moving across the table:
Playing a pursuit demands a large table with terrain that enables a pursuit (i.e. lots of roads, curves and avoidable stuff). When the pursuit moves off table, simply continue play on the opposite (appropriate) side of the table.  

As soon as the first vehicle re-enters the new table edge, roll 1D6 and consult Obstacle Table.

Obstacle Table
Obstacle encountered
No obstacle
Moving Obstacle appears straight ahead at D6xshort distance
Moving Obstacle appears from the right at the first crossing
Moving Obstacle appears from the left at the first crossing
Stationary Obstacle appears straight ahead at D6xShort
No obstacle

Ending the pursuit
As soon as the pursued vehicle outruns the pursuers by more the 1 table length, he has shaken his pursuers and the pursuit is over.
As soon as the pursuers disable the pursued vehicle, the pursuit is over as well.

The rules assume a certain quantity of other Traffic on the table. All Traffic on the table will usually -for practical purposes- be static unless moving because of the Obstacle table. All Moving traffic will move 1 Medium per turn (drive safely!) in a straight line before any player Moves. Traffic will never actively collide (these are decent drivers, you know) and always stop before colliding when moving. The same might not be true about players....

Car Gadgets
Under Construction.

Figures in cars
So as to present a good visual spectacle, figures should not be placed on top of or next to driving vehicles. Use an off-table template representing the seats in the vehicle. 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Triple Osprey Review

In the past year I bought three of Osprey's new rulesets. Osprey rulesets have a lot going for them: a good professional publisher backs hem, they are nicely priced and presented even nicer. Eye candy abounds within as the artwork is of a high standard, photographs are professionally made (or at least definitely look that way) and tables and reference sheets are clean and crisp and usually can be downloaded together with a lot of bonus content from the Osprey site. So it's a "Yummie!" so far. But how do they stand up to the test of playing them? By now I have played all three of them and wish to share my opinion about them with you.

A general observation beforehand. Perhaps because of the similarities in presentation people often assume these rulesets are variations on the same engine, themed by the period they are set in. This is not the case. The three sets reviewed here are written by different people and the game mechanics are quite dissimilar. They really are very separate games, only sharing the fact that they are all skirmish rulesets that aim for a specific period.

Another sidenote is that I could have included Tomorrow's War in this review but chose not to. This is because TW is a ruleset with a much wider scope than the three reviewed here and isn't a skirmish ruleset either. So those hoping for a TW review must turn elsewhere for now, I am afraid.

So here we go.

Ronin by Craig Woodfield    +/+

With 65 pages, like the others, Ronin is the only purely historical set of the three. Set in Japan's Sengoku Jidai period: the Time Of The Warring States it enables you to play small-scale fights set in the golden age of the Samurai.

Ronin is like the others a 1-figure-1-person game. The basic unit is the Buntai ("team") which consists of about 8 figures and upwards. There is a choice from a number of Buntai: Bushi (professional samurai warriors) and Warrior Monks but also the more exotic ones like bandits, ronin (masterless samurai), peasants and Koryu (wandering students of Ken-Do: the way of the sword). There are also lists for Koreans and Ming Chinese and even for early Kamakura period as well as the modern 19th-century Japanese army of the Late Edo period. You can add to your list by hiring sellswords, usually ninja, bandits or ronin. The lists are point-driven, points being paid for character quality, skills and equipment.

A Ronin turn has a Priority (Initiative + Morale) , Movement, Combat, Action and End (Combat results) phase.

Ronin has an alternate turn sequence. This means that players move their figures alternately: the player with highest Priority moves one first, then the other player moves one et cetera until all figures have been moved. This simple mechanism brings some tactical depth into the game, as figures strive to get the best positions one by one. Also, you cannot charge someone by running, so manoeuvring gets even more important. Alternatively, a figure may choose to fire a missile weapon instead of moving. Missile weapons really come into their own in Ronin, as they can be quite effective against unarmored targets and may fire twice per turn (just wait..). 

The game really shines in the combat phase. Combat demands base-to-base contact. Both combatants have a number of combat chits equal to their Rank: the Combat Pool. They may secretly allocate these chits to either or both attack or defence, which enables them to attack at all or strengthens their defence. This gives some interesting tactical choices in combat: should I gamble on my armour and attack full force? Or should I be cautious and strengthen my defence in case my opponent counterattacks? This really lifts Ronin above the roll-higher-than-your-opponent standard!

In the Action phase figures may do other things, like load an arquebus, pick up things or shoot. Bows do not need to be reloaded and now can shoot (for the second time in the turn), so in general there are a lot of arrows flying around! Unarmoured figures should be aware and usually die quickly if they don't!

The book includes seven standard scenarios and Osprey offers additional army lists for downloading, scenarios and even a list of supernatural beings from Japanese mythology.

So in general Ronin is an impressively interesting, quick playing game with lots of opportunities for beautiful tables and figures. Recommended!

In Her Majesty's Name by Craig Cartnell and Charles Murton +/-

Here we meet the same number of 65 pages which in this case houses a set of rules for Victorian Science Fiction games. VSF is a very popular period the last few years so this set does not stand on its own and competes with others like G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T.

IHMN plays teams of 6 figures and upwards against each other. There is much opportunity for variation, as the basis rulebook alone sports half a dozen pre-generated ones and much information to make your own. The individualization of the teams has gotten a  lot of attention in this game, as there are lots of different weapons, historical as well as weird equipment and rules for steam driven walkers and such. So you can play Prussian scientist with Zombie Tod-truppen, British gentlemen with lightning guns or Chinese Tong warriors with martial art skills and magic! The lists are point-driven, points being paid for character quality, skills and equipment. 

Perhaps due to its small format, the game misses (in my opinion) the opportunity to add a number of typical Victorian archetypes, like Dracula, Springheeled Jack, Jeckyll & Hyde, Martians, The Invisible Man and the like. But the game definitely succeeds in capturing the VSF flavour and you can go full throttle at painting and collecting figures and stuff for this game.

There are some scenario ideas in the book, somewhat sketchy for my taste but still nice and there are a surprising large number of terrain suggestions, some of which are quite original, like a table made of rooftops!

IHMN starts off each turn with determining Initiative and follows up with alternate movement. This way teams move into position without having to wait for the other one to completely finish and this makes manoeuvring interesting. Movement is a saldo of quite a number of values and modifiers (standard value + speed bonus + sometimes a running bonus - armour encumbrance penalty - terrain penalties). This should have gotten me worried.

The same alternate sequence is used in shooting, so Initiative will get you the first shot, but not all first shots. Shooting demands even more values and modifiers. A hit is determined by adding a D10 roll to the Shooting value and the Weapon Bonus and subtracting the target's armour and cover values. Lots of tables. There are dozens of weapons and six (!) basis armour values (plus six more against lightning weapons) so there is some calculus required. More tables. When all this results in a hit, the target rolls against Pluck (plus Talent bonus, minus Weapon Pluck modifier) and survives, drops down or dies. After some 30-45 minutes of play all the adding and subtracting became grating and quite distracting. It seemed a very complex way to simply determine whether or not you move or hit someone with a gun. All this is not improved by all the different weapon ranges, which you are not allowed to measure beforehand by the way.

We did not get to use robots, walkers or vehicles but I fear that, since even walking and shooting is quite complex, strolling about in steam vehicles is even more complicated. The game mechanics feel slow and clunky like a 19th century steam engine. My main gripe being that this distracted terribly from the gameplay and narrative of the game.

Can I recommend this set? Well, not yet. Maybe it's just me. Perhaps IHMN is an acquired taste. It is definitely a must to work your entire team into a QRS where at least all the movement and weapon modifiers are at hand. That should save a lot of time looking things up in tables. I will play it some more and we'll see.

A Fistful of Kung Fu by Andrea Sfiligoi ++/++

We dove into FFOKF with a casual read and a taste for cheesy chopsocky movies. FFOKF does not attempt to portray a period as such, but aims at playing in the world of the 70ies and 80ies action movies, mainly those made by the Hong Kong producers that made the likes of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan stars. It is said that the set is written to play the movie Big Trouble in Little China and that you will manage to play the entire movie, action scene for action scene, effortlessly. So my expectations were high.

Like in Ronin and IHMN you play a small team of about 6-10 figures, pulled right out off the cinematographic heritage that birthed this game: Kung Fu heroes, tough cops, vicious Chinese sorcerers or cool Yakuza gangsters. The rules allow for even more variety: zombies, cyborgs, Chinese demons or vampires, ninjas and what not. If you ever needed an excuse to buy exotic miniatures, this game supplies it! Teams are headed by a Protagonist, a star actor, supported by a cast of a sidekick and a number of Extras. The lists are point-driven, points being paid for character quality, skills and equipment.

Contrary to the former two rules sets FFOKF is a IGO-UGO system. One player activates all his figures before his opponent may do something. Or is it? Activation goes by throwing 1 to 3 dice against the figure's Quality. Every success gives you an Action: walking, shooting, charging and fighting et cetera. However, every failure grants a free Action to your opponent's Protagonist. Before you can do anything! And two or more failures end your turn, even before all your figures have been Activated! That doesn't sound very predictable and it isn't. It makes for dynamic play and calculating risks before throwing more than one die. Your Protagonist, with his high Quality, will end up doing the most, just like in the movies!

Shooting and fighting use the same Statistic: Combat. Roll and add Combat (and modifiers) to shoot or hit someone. The target rolls and adds as well and the highest score wins. In case of the attacker that is a hit, in case of the target it can be something bad for the attacker, like a jamming gun, depending on how great the difference between the rolls is. A table provides you with alternative consequences and the winner may choose the result that can apply. So a shot may kill your opponent, may shoot his gun from his hand or may result in your gun clicking on an empty chamber or a free Action for the target. Fights go similarly. Interactions with prop items and terrain are called for, so if you have always wanted to throw someone through a fish tank, here is your chance, provided you have one on the table!

It struck me that consulting the tables in this game was never a bore, contrary to IHMN. Why? I think it is because consulting tables in IHMN will only ever result in a simple result, like a move or hit/miss, while a table result in FFOKF might result in something that makes the game more interesting and easily fits into the narrative and makes it more exciting. 

Last but not least your Protagonist has a limited number of Chi points he can use to reroll dice or cause group actions of his Extras. Chi can be recovered during the game, but mainly through lucky dice rolls, so you have to use them wisely.

All this made for a quick, narrative and excitingly unpredictable game that felt EXACTLY like a Hong Kong action movie! Even in our first game the rules played fast and intuitively and we had immense fun.

FFOKF is definitely recommended. For fans of Big Trouble in Little China it really is a mandatory purchase!