Showing posts with label Parroom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parroom. Show all posts

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The John Carter Project Pt 3: Of Tharks and Men

A few weeks of painting have passed. Allthough the light wasn't perfect, I could not resist taking some pictures. First my scratchbuilt skiffs in hot pursuit!

Trying to shake off some pursuers.  

John, Dejah and Woolla: the three main figure brands combined: Bronze Age, Tin Man and Parroom respectively. 

Group shot of JC and some Red Martians.

Trying out which Dejah looks best. Two VERY different styles to be sure...

Tharks on the prowl

Take that! You brute you! 

A combined shot showing the large differences in style between the Tin Man Tharks (left) and the Bronze Age. Both splendid figures but very dissimilar. I am doubting whether to use them both. Perhaps as a young? 

 More Tharks

JC, Dejah and some Tharks. JC is handling it....

Bronze Age magnificent mounted Tharks. I magnetized the riders to be able to dismount them. 

And thanks to Peter who lighted up my pictures!