The sails gave me the most food for thought. 10mm is a small scale and I really liked the squared structure of the sails to be there, as they are so iconic for a windmill. But how to make such a fine structure that would still be able to hold up against the rigors of gaming?
Then I came upon the solution of a strip of flyscreen stuck to a narrow strip of plasticard (below) which turned out to be perfect!
I decided to make the base and body of the mill from foamboard, which is easy, light and strong.
The top of the structure is a simple house-shaped box. Details would be added later through timbering. The roof was made from simple cardboard from the backing of a notepad.
The base is a square-footed pyramid. Slivers of wood (cut from coffee stirrers and such) were glued to the base to resemble timbering. The base was glued upon an old credit card.
The upper structure is mainly timber. Slivers of cut coffee stirrer were glued to the foamboard box....
...and cut to shape with clippers.
I decided on a thatched roof made from a cheap towel (see below) glued on top of the cardboard roof and then the upper structure was glued (using a hot glue gun) to the base.
The same glue gun was used to attach the sails to a pin, which was then stuck into the upper structure.
And now the windmill starts to look like one. There is a door in the back with a stairs leading down.
Here are some 10mm Pendraken figures shown for scale.
And below there's the windmill painted. Sprayed black, highlighted dark brown, grey and light tan with some flock added to the base and the roof in some places.

And some bases painted in recent weeks shown for good measure. Cuirassier and Croat command bases....
...and a heavy gun