The brave (but somewhat sleepy) inhabitants of the manor. The dice are thrown into the building to represent where the inhabitants are and whether they are awake or not.
Background fluff: temple, gate and Buddha. Yes, here be cherry blossom trees....
The sneaking route for the Ninja up to the back door.
The front gate. As you can see the time to paint the dragons flanking the gate somehow eluded me.
Two cute girls played the first game and as usual in reality turned out to be bloodthirsty hack-and-slash players intent on slaughtering their way to victory...
Here Ninja and samurai battle in the garden. Note the Koi fish. I am very proud of the Koi fish....
Audience gives some constructive criticism while the ninja player ponders his plan of attack.
Note the blinds that cover up the rooms. This way the ninja player has no idea where his target (or the guards) are and the samurai player knows where they are, but not whether they will be awake...
Ninja sneaking over the garden wall, taking aim with the blowpipe with the poisoned darts...
Here a poisoned dart target, pardon a samurai guardsman reclines on the bridge in the garden.
After the bit with the poisoned darts, ninja sneak up to the back door. Unfortunately several AWAKE samurai were waiting inside!
One ninja even confronted the Daimyo directly in his sleeping chambers! Alas, in the end the target ran too fast to be caught...
For Ninja caught inside a building filled with awake guards and staff, times have become interesting indeed!
Here my neighbours played the venerable game Battletech Classic, which is a silly tag, since, well, what other kind of Battletech is there, really?
Some impressions of the convention: lots of card- and boardgames, some wargames and a huge FoW game. Not my thing, but impressively huge.
I spent a very enjoyable day, hosted 4 or 5 games and chatted with a lot of people, known and unknown and even got a bag of Thirty Years War Cuirassiers for my birthday. Thank you Sander! They will grace some Witchfinder General Table in the future.