Showing posts with label conversion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conversion. Show all posts

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Bull Gorg

 After months of being too busy to do any blogging the holidays arrived and I had some more free time on my hands. And one of the things I did with that was converting a GW Ogre to Bull Gorg, the Necromunda Underhive Spartacus of the Pit Slaves. 

The one and only picture of Bull Gorg. GW never made a model of him to the best of my knowledge. 

The basis: a GW Ogre and some Mecha parts.

Starting to fill all holes, building the two turbo chain swords up with plasticard and greenstuff

Some details and experimental headcover. Clearly an unfortunate choice. 

More gut....

Even more gut, a beard trim and experimental cybernetic thingies on his belly. Mwah. 

Soldering wire to cable his chainswords. And a powerpack and base debris. 

More details, better cybernetic belly thingies and an open growl instead of his closed mouth. 

And the paintjob. 

I like him. He looks a tad unstable, but once you get to know him better...., well, you are certain he is completely bonkers.  

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Turning a cheesy German into Sean Connery!

When I acquired Warlord's free Count von Hosenschlange figure (it is a gift with the Devil's Playground book. Do NOT Google the meaning of the word!) I was immediately  reminded of a character in one of my favourite movies: Sean Connery as Juan Sanchez Ramirez de Villa Lobos.

The figure was close, but not perfect. The eyepatch was wrong and of course the iconic peacock feathered cape was lacking. But for the rest it was spot on as far as I was concerned.

So the first step was to gently cut away the eyepatch and use the metal there to more or less sculpt an eye. Not easy and not entirely satisfactory but my sculpting skills are quite limited, so it would have to do.

The second step was to add the peacock feathers to the hat and cape. I simply sculpted them over the existing figure parts using green stuff. It made the feathers look more bulky and fluffy. Hmm. So far it could still be mistaken for a complicated fur coat....

Putting the primer on did not really lay my worries to rest....

I briefly considered to replace the rapier with Ramirez katana, but dismissed this.

Undoubtedly Ramirez would have been adept with a rapier as well and it saved me the trouble to cut away the poniard.

I also chickened out of giving him an open shirt. Removing the front of the coat ran a serious risk of ruining the figure alltogether and I liked the laced collar.

As the rest of the figure's clothing nicely matched mr Connery's costume in the movie painting those was a matter of matching the colours in a satisfactory way.  I still need to add some details.

Then some serious study of the colouring of peacock feathers ensued. I gathered all my courage and started mixing greens, yellows and blues with the result below.

There is still some detailing to be done on the coat, but as one of my first serious attempts at sculpting something other than hair it did not turn out half bad!

And to show off his new cape, he went a-pirating!

Friday, May 24, 2013

John Carter Project Pt 2: Barsoomian skiffs

While my order of |Barsoom figures is speeding towards me I thought it fitting to start building some vehicles for them. 

Scratchbuilt from foamboard and cardboard and still only in primer but I am quite content with the results so far. 

The 28mm figure (a converted WF Zulu) is shown for scale. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The John Carter Project pt 1

I am expressing a serious ambition here: to stage a massive John Carter demo about a year from now. I have done some research already, a miniature ordering list is being made and drawings for Martian flyers being done. I am planning to stay as close to the movies as possible.

A few feeble first steps are these Wargames Factory Zulus converted into Red Martians. I hope many will follow!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


As I wrote earlier I am planning to expand my 18th century cavalry options. For this I need more hussars and dragoons, but especially the powerhouse of all 18th century shocktroops: the cuirassiers.  

Of course no cuirassiers are made in 1/72 plastic and even metals are rare. I found the Outland games ones but so far have failed to acquire any. So I turned to conversions. 

I started with Zvezda and HaT Napoleonic Russian Cuirassiers, removed their heads and replaced them with heads from the Imex AWI British infantry. The horse harness seemed appropriate enough and so a further paintjob led to the results below. The one with the raised sword is Zvezda, the other one HaT. After the headswap and the paintjob they look remarkably similar and I am quite pleased with them. Another 22 to go to finish the two Cuirassier units I have planned. 

Hussars and dragoons are to follow. These are both made by Zvezda for the Seven Years War and the Great Northern War. Wait and see! 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pulp Adventure native cannibal

A while ago someone stated that the Wargames Factory Zulus were no  good for making Pulp Adventure natives. I said I´d prove him wrong and here is my attempt!

The great warrior Boboti of the Wabapi tribe, ready to defend Skull Island against film crews and other insidious threats!