Today we played a Border Reiver game based on GASLIGHT rules on the Ducosim game convention in Amersfoort. We managed three games before my voice and feet gave out (ouch) in which bands of Elliots, Musgraves, Armstrongs and Irvines slaughtered each other for a fine herd of cattle. Crivens! Chased on occassion by the Warden´s Hot Trod to spice up the game a little. Below are pictures of the table, players and figures involved.
Greatest Reiver of all turned out to be little Lucas, who won the game three times in a row!
Great thanks to Folkert and Luc for lending me their figures and terrain and to Folkert for helping me all day!
The table
The Hot Trod
Git me thees chicks, Angus!
The Price: prime Lowland beef
Warlord´s magnificent moss trooper model
The Musgraves, one of the four Clans