The players
represent one or more international Secret Service Bureaus that pit their power against a
world-wide plot that aims for world domination: The Cult. Nothing new here, but the catch
is what will eventually dominate the world. And will the Faction(s) fight it, or will they try to control that what might not be controlled at all? Time will tell…..
Campaign Rules
There are an unspecified number of games in the campaign. Start with scenario 1.
Each game has specific victory conditions that have to be met to win. Winning a game gives the winner some advantages for the next scenario. Additionally, when the Bureau wins, the player must make a Mythos Test e.g. determine whether he will destroy the conquered objective or acquire it. This too has repercussions for the next scenario. The outcome of the game also determines the next scenario to be played.
Optional: instead of following the "tree" of scenarios to be played the loser of each game chooses the next scenario.
The title of each scenario links to the scenario or the rules needed elsewhere on this blog.
Ultimately, the Final Scenario is chosen and players fight for the preserving of Mankind!
Campaign rule philosophy
I LOVE playing campaigns. However, gradual unbalancing is the Achilles heel of many rules meant to play them. Players either gain experience and victory rewards during the campaign which can benefit one player over the other to the point of invincibility or don't get benefits and experience at all which make winning a game rather pointless when seen in the context of a campaign. There are many solutions to this problem, but this is mine:
Each game is essentially a stand-alone scenario with given forces and objectives. The chance to win any game are usually the same for each player. When in doubt about this, play every game twice but switch sides the second time.
However, for each game won during the Campaign the players receive 1 Resource point. Each resource point gives a number of options to use in ANY subsequent game during the Campaign. When used, the Resource point is lost. Resource points can be saved for any later games during the Campaign. Any points not used in the final game of the Campaign (game 8) are lost and do not count for anything.
Resource points can be used as follows:
- To get Initiative in ANY turn in ANY game. Cost 1 point. Declare before Initiative roll
- To Reroll ANY die at ANY point in ANY game. Cost 1 point. Declare after roll.
- To prevent your opponent from using a Resource point and cancelling its effect. Cost 2 points. Declare after your opponent announces the use of a Resource point. This of course can be canceled as well.
- To call in an off-table asset. Cost 3 points. Determine beforehand which OTAs are available. Use SO rules. As soon as the player decides to use the OTA, he writes down the turn and location in which its effect takes place. When the effect takes place, he must produce this text as well as the Resource Points to do so. When either one is missing, the OTA is not used.
When OTA are not feasible due to the table setup (e.g. the game takes place underground) Reinforcements may be called up instead. To be determined beforehand or as a rule of thumb no more than one third of the starting force of the player using the Resource Points.
Scenario 1: In the crowds
A Cult leader has drawn the attention of the Bureau. It is believed he and his organisation pose a threat to national security. While his face or even gender is unknown, the Bureau has received intel that the person of interest will be at a certain location at a given time to conduct a pickup.
The Cult Leader has three bodyguards trailing him (or her) but must make the pickup himself. The bodyguards are for protection or diversion. Last there is the person delivering the Item. All Cultists carry concealed sidearms and knives. The Cultist Leader is a Professional, the bodyguards are Trained, the delivery person is a Civilian.
The Bureau has six agents to intercept the Item, including a Senior Agent. Agents carry sidearms and combat batons. The Senior Agent is Professional, the other Agents are Trained.
At least 30 civilian figures traverse the streets.
Special Rules
The scenario takes place in an urban area. When buildings in the playing area can be entered figures may be placed inside on the ground floor.
Use the Pursuit rules found in the scenario. The Cult Leader, bodyguards and delivery person are all disguised.
The Cult player chooses his figures to represent his disguised force. The Bureau player then places all figures on the table, evenly spread across the table. He may place his own figures anywhere he likes.
To make a pickup, the Cult Leader and the delivery person must end a move base to base. Whether something is actually transferred can be determined by a Scan. Add 1 point of difficulty for each figure between the target of the Scan and the Scanning agent.
Once in possession of the Item, the Cult Leader must get it off the table. This may be done by a bodyguard. The Item can be transferred, Dropped or Picked Up.
Table Setup:
Some kind of crowded, urban environment, like a street scene or a subway station. Buildings may be accessible.
Victory conditions
The Item to be picked up is a Victory condition. If the Cult gets it off-table, the Cult wins. If the Bureau captures it, the Bureaus wins.
Mythos Test: Should the Bureau win, roll a Command Test against the highest surviving Command skill. A success means the Item is destroyed. A Failure means the Item is handed over to a Black Ops governmental department.
To be continued...
If the Cult wins, play scenario 2b
If the Bureau wins, play scenario 2a
Scenario 2a: The Hit
The Cult has identified a concerted effort to thwart its plans. A certain Bureau official seems crucial in this effort, so the Cult attempts to assassinate him before he can testify to the government and generate more support.

The Security Forces are Trained and carry sidearms.
Special Rules
If the Bureau failed its last Mythos Test, a random Agent is a defector. That Agent is controlled by the Bureau Player until the Cult Player wants to reveal him. This may happen at any point in the game. Roll a D6 and randomly determine which agent is the defector. Include all Agents in his choice, even when Critically Injured or Dead. Control of this figure immediately transfers to the Cult Player.
Table Setup:
Some kind of crowded, urban environment, like a street scene or an airfield terminal.
Victory Conditions
When the Hit fails, the Bureau wins. When the Hit succeeds in killing the target, the Cult wins.
Mythos Test: roll a Command Test against the highest surviving Command skill. A success means that all suspects are either dead or handed over to the proper authorities. A Failure means that at least one suspect is handed over to a Black Ops governmental department.
To be Continued
If the Cult wins, play scenario 4b
If the Bureau wins, play scenario 3a
Scenario 2b: The Hit
The Bureau has identified a concerted political effort to undercut its functioning. A certain politician seems irrevocably corrupted and compromised and threatens to shut down the Bureau. The Bureau has no other choice than to attempt to eliminate assassinate this person before it is too late.
The Security Forces are Trained and carry sidearms.
Special Rules
If the Bureau failed its last Mythos Test, a random Agent is a defector. That Agent is controlled by the Bureau Player until the Cult Player wants to reveal him. This may happen at any point in the game. Randomly determine which agent is the defector. Include all Agents in his choice, even when Critically Injured or Dead. Control of this figure immediately transfers to the Cult Player.
Table Setup:
Some kind of crowded, urban environment, like a street scene or an airfield terminal.
Victory Conditions
When the Hit fails, the Cult wins. When the Hit succeeds in killing the target, the Bureau wins.
Mythos Test: roll a Command Test against the highest surviving Command skill. A success means that this Op will remain under wraps. A Failure means that at least one Agent will be so troubled by this Op information will leak to a Black Ops governmental department. The Bureau might be discredited.
To be Continued
If the Cult wins, play scenario 3b
If the Bureau wins, play scenario 4a
Scenario 3a: Asset Acquisition
The Bureau has gotten wind of an important site belonging to the Cult that is somehow important to its goals. Intel points at the presence of an important asset, the loss of which might seriously impede the Cult's plans.
As in scenario.
Special Rules
As in scenario. The Professional Commander and the Mercs are Cultists. The rest is hired muscle.
If the Bureau failed its last Mythos Test the Civilian scientists are Trained Cultists as well.
Table Setup:
Any kind of terrain that includes lots of cover, a central space to house the asset and can conceivably be guarded.
Victory Conditions
As in scenario.
Mythos Test: Should the Bureau win, roll a Command Test against the highest surviving Command skill. A success means the Item is destroyed. A Failure means the Item is handed over to a Black Ops governmental department.
To be Continued
If the Cult wins, play scenario 5b
If the Bureau wins, play scenario 5a
Scenario 3b: Asset Acquisition
The Cult has gotten wind of the Bureaus awareness of its plans and intends to take the core of the Bureau out in one blow. It stages an attack on the Bureaus main administrative centers, attempting to wipe out all the collected classified data gathered so far on the Cult's existence.
As in scenario for the Cult attacker. The Bureau has 6 guards, 10 agents armed with sidearms and 10 Civilians.
Special Rules
As in scenario. Hostage rules from Bobs Bargain Bullets Siege may be used.
If the Bureau failed its last Mythos Test D4 Civilians are undercover Trained Cultists. Use the appropriate rules from The Hit.
Table Setup:
Any kind of terrain that includes lots of cover, a central space to house the asset and can conceivably be guarded.
Victory Conditions
As in scenario.
Mythos Test: Should the Bureau win, roll a Command Test against the highest surviving Command skill. A success means the Raid is held out of the press. A Failure means the Raid draws attention from a certain Black Ops governmental department.
To be Continued
If the Cult wins, play scenario 5b
If the Bureau wins, play scenario 5a
Scenario 4a: Come Fly Away
The Cult wants to get an important asset to safety, out of reach of the Bureau.
As in scenario. Substitute Cultists for gangsters.
Special Rules
If the Bureau failed its last Mythos Test, the Cultists are Alert. An informant has warned them.
The Asset may either be a person (Natasha) or an Item.
Table Setup:
Any kind of terrain that looks like an airfield, harbour or perhaps a bus terminal where the Asset an leave off to somewhere.
Victory Conditions
As in scenario. However, when the Asset is an Item, Natasha's escape is immaterial, as long as the Asset escapes. Any Cultist may do this.
Mythos Test: Should the Bureau win, roll a Command Test against the highest surviving Command skill. A success means the Asset is eliminated. A failure means a Deep State Black Ops department gains access to the Asset.
To be Continued
If the Cult wins, play scenario 6b
If the Bureau wins, play scenario 6a
Scenario 4b: Come Fly Away
The Cult is all over the place! The Bureau needs to get its key players to safety. They gather at a remote airfield for a plane to a safe location.
As in scenario. Substitute Agents for gangsters.
Special Rules
If the Bureau failed its last Mythos Test, the Cultists have an undercover infiltrator. This is secretly and randomly determined by the Cult Player BEFORE the game starts. He or she remains under control of the Bureau Player until the Cult Player Activates the infiltrator. This can be at any moment, including in the Bureau Players turn. The infiltrator cannot be one of the Key Players. The Infiltrator can be spotted using the normal rules for doing so.
There are 3 Key Players. At least 2 need to escape to win the game for The Bureau Player.
Table Setup:
Any kind of terrain that looks like an airfield, harbour or perhaps a bus terminal where the Asset an leave off to somewhere.
Victory Conditions
As in scenario. However, when the Asset is an Item, Natasha's escape is immaterial, as long as the Asset escapes. Any Cultist may do this.
Mythos Test: Should the Bureau win, roll a Command Test against the highest surviving Command skill. A success means the Op is a complete success. A failure means a Deep State Black Ops department now begins to infiltrate the Cult. Or is it the other way around....?
To be Continued
If the Cult wins, play scenario 6b
If the Bureau wins, play scenario 6a
Scenario 5a: Bob's Bargain Bullets Siege
The Cultists have lost a major Asset, but they are determined to get it back. In order to do so they mount an assault on the building where the Asset is temporarily stored. They will stop at nothing to escape with it!
As in scenario.
Special Rules
As in scenario.
If the Bureau failed the last Mythos Test, the Cultists either get +D3 Cultists outside the building or may upgrade all Militia to Trained.
Table Setup:
Any kind of terrain that has a central accessible building that can be possessed by the heisters and surrounded by police and bystanders.
Victory Conditions
As in scenario. Only one Cultist needs to flee with the Asset in order to win.
Mythos Test: Should the Bureau win, roll a Command Test against the highest surviving Command skill. A success means the Asset is eliminated. A failure means a Deep State Black Ops department gains access to the Asset.
To be Continued
If the Cult wins, play scenario 7b
If the Bureau wins, play scenario 7a
Scenario 5b: Bob's Bargain Bullets Siege
As in scenario. However the gangsters are now Trained Agents. So are the Agents outside the building.
Special Rules
As in scenario.
If the Bureau failed the last Mythos Test, the Cultists taken hostage inside the building might try to fight back once per game. Each turn the Cult Player might attempt a Command Test for them. If successful the hostages attack the Agents. Hostages will be armed with improvised hand weapons.
Table Setup:
Any kind of terrain that has a central accessible building that can be possessed by the heisters and surrounded by police and bystanders.
Victory Conditions
As in scenario. Only one Agent needs to flee with the Asset in order to win.
Mythos Test: Should the Bureau win, roll a Command Test against the highest surviving Command skill. A success means the Asset is eliminated. A failure means the Asset gains unwanted influence over certain people inside the Bureau.
To be Continued
If the Cult wins, play scenario 7b
If the Bureau wins, play scenario 7a
Scenario 6a: The Raid on the Mansion
This is the Mansion scenario from Spectre Operations 1st edition. I have always liked the scenario for producing enjoyable games and thought it was a shame it didn't make it into Spectre 2.0.
The Cult's cadre convenes in a remote luxury mansion to plot their dastardly plans. The Bureau seizes the opportunity to strike a major blow and take out some leading Cult figures. However, due to a compromised central command resources are scarce and the team tasked with taking out the Cult leaders will be outnumbered. However, they have one card up their sleeve: an inside man (or woman).
Two Cult Leaders deploy in a room. 1 unit of 8 Trained guards, 2 units of 10 Militia, all including leaders. Armed as shown. Deployed anywhere in or around the building.
1 unit of 8 Elite (or Professional if you like the challenge) Bureau operators in medium body armour. Armed with silenced carbines, laser sights/red dot, hand grenades, 2 breaching tools, 2 Med Kits, sidearms and knives. May enter table at any point.
Special Rules
The Bureau has an inside man in the building. The Bureau player may choose any Cultist guard or Militia -AFTER deployment- to be the inside man. The inside man is controlled by the Cult player until the Bureau activates him. This may be at any moment during the game. The inside man can be spotted using the normal rules for doing so.
If the Bureau failed its last Mythos Test the inside man cannot be trusted. At the moment the Bureau wants to activate him, roll for a Command Test using the nearest Cultist Leader's Command rating. A success means the inside man will turn coat and Alert the Cultists.
Table Setup:
An accessible mansion surrounded by walls and jungle.
Victory Conditions
If the Bureau takes out both Cult leaders they win. If only one Cult leader escapes it is a draw (no Mythos roll required).
Mythos Test: Should the Bureau win, roll a Command Test against the highest surviving Command skill. A success means the mission dealt a major blow to the Cult. A failure means
To be Continued
If the Cult wins, play scenario 7b
If the Bureau wins, play scenario 7a
Scenario 6b: The Raid on the Mansion
This is the Mansion scenario from Spectre Operations 1st edition. I have always liked the scenario for producing enjoyable games and thought it was a shame it didn't make it into Spectre 2.0.
Two Bureau Directors in a central room. 1 unit of 8 Trained guards, 2 units of 10 Militia, all including leaders. Armed as shown. Deployed anywhere in or around the building.
1 unit of 8 Elite (or Professional if you like the challenge) Cult Bureau operators in medium body armour. Armed with silenced carbines, laser sights/red dot, hand grenades, 2 breaching tools, 2 Med Kits, sidearms and knives. May enter table at any point.
Special Rules
The Cult has an inside man in the building. The Cult player may choose any guard or Militia -AFTER deployment- to be the inside man. The inside man is controlled by the Bureau player until the Cult activates him. This may be at any moment during the game. The inside man can be spotted using the normal rules for doing so.
If the Bureau succeeded its last Mythos Test the inside man cannot be trusted. At the moment the Cult wants to activate him, roll for a Command Test using the nearest Bureau Leader's Command rating. A success means the inside man will turn coat and Alert the Bureau.
Table Setup:
An accessible mansion surrounded by walls and jungle.
Victory Conditions
If the Cult takes out both Bureau leaders they win. If only one Bureau leader escapes it is a draw (no Mythos roll required).
Mythos Test: Should the Bureau win, roll a Command Test against the highest surviving Command skill. A success means the Bureau prevails to fight another day! A failure means the fight to save the free world is seriously weakened.
To be Continued
If the Cult wins, play scenario 7b
If the Bureau wins, play scenario 7a
Scenario 7a: The City of Pillars
As in scenario.
Special Rules
As in scenario.
If the Bureau failed the last Mythos Test, the Cultists may enlist the aid of a nearby nest of Ghouls.
Table Setup:
A 6x4 ft plain with cover here and there, some buildings and/or woods and an archaeological dig or mine shaft at one side.
Victory Conditions
As in scenario.
To be Continued
If the Cult wins, play scenario 5b
If the Bureau wins, play scenario 5a
Scenario 7b: The City of Pillars
The Bureau is taking a dangerous course. Trying to fight the Cult with its own weapons and following the directions of an ancient tome, the Bureau is unearthing a powerful artefact to use against the Cult.
As in scenario. The Bureau Agents are the undercover force attacked by Cult-directed military units.
Special Rules
As in scenario.
However, when the Bureau wins one surviving figure is turned into a Child of Nodens, imbued with a Supernatural Power and becomes a Scenario Character, eligible for the subsequent scenario(s) for as long as it remains alive.
Supernatural Power: Roll 1D3 and pick the result
1: Impervious: A succesfull Agility Test ignores 1 Wound per turn
2: Teleportation: A succesfull Command Test moves the figure max 3D6 inches to a destination within LOS
3: Eater Of Souls: Use the Silent Takeout rule. A win turns the loser into a Posessed under control of the Player
If the Bureau failed the last Mythos Test, the Cultists may enlist the aid of a nearby nest of Ghouls.
Table Setup:
A 6x4 ft plain with cover here and there, perhaps some buildings and an archaeological dig or mine shaft at one side.
Victory Conditions
As in scenario.
To be Continued
If the Cult wins, play scenario 2b
If the Bureau wins, play scenario 3b
Scenario 8: The Ritual
The Cult has finally found the courage to pull out all the plugs and go for the win. They will attempt to conjure a Great Old One into the current dimension of this world. Success would spell doom and the End Of The World As We Know It!
This is the final scenario of the Campaign. It can be initiated by either player at the end of each game but only if the player has won either one of the scenarios number 7 or this scenario ended in a draw. The winner of this scenario wins the Campaign. The preceding games determine with which resources the players start the game.

5 Cultist Ritualists (Militia, ceremonial knives)
3 Cult Leaders, Trained but with Command 5 (ceremonial knives, SMG and sidearms)
10 Professional Cult soldiers, including 2 squad leaders ((Body armour, carbines, red dot/laser sight, sidearm, hand grenades, close combat weapon)
20 Militia Cultists, including 2 squad leaders (Armament: sidearms, SMG and assault rifles or carbines. 2 hand grenades. 1 Flame thrower)
1 Bureau Commander, Professional ((Body armour, carbine, red dot/laser sight, sidearm, hand grenades, close combat weapon)
15 Professional Bureau operators including 3 squad leaders (Body armour, carbines, red dot/laser sight, sidearm, hand grenades, close combat weapon, 2 underslung grenade launchers and 1 LAW. )
Special Rules
If the Cult player has won scenario 7a, the Cult player gains The Black Man for this game.
The Black Man:
This is no human, but a physical manifestation of the Entity from Scenario 7a. The Black Man's main goal is to aid the Ritual and prevent its disruption. Whenever the Ritual is disrupted and the Black Man is present within LOS of the Ritual, the Cult Player may cancel the Disruption with a 4+ on a D6.
The Black Man is exceptionally hard to eliminate. He cannot be moved or killed but his physical form may be destroyed by a weapon with an Killzone if the Black Man is in the Killzone when hit. This ends his Presence.
Disrupting the Ritual:
5 Cultist Ritualists in Ceremonial garb are performing the Ritual. They start as soon as the Bureau enters the central building and need to keep it going for 4 consecutive turns.
At the end of every turn the cultist rolls a D6 and adds the number of Ritualists performing. When the result is 6 or more the Ritual is continuing. When not the Ritual is Disrupted. At least 1 Ritualist needs to be performing to continue the Ritual. In case the Black Man is present, he can only continue the Ritual on his own for 1 turn.
When the Ritual is Disrupted it needs to be restarted from the beginning.
Table Setup:
The Ritual is performed in an ancient building (temple, church, Colosseum, underground lab; you name it) and the central room where it is performed cannot be seen into from the outside. In other words, this room must be entered to Disrupt the Ritual. The Cult player defends the location. The Bureau player attempts to enter it to Disrupt the Ritual.
Victory Conditions
Disrupt or complete the Ritual to win or lose the game and the Campaign.
To be Continued?
If the Cult wins, the Endtimes are here.....
If the Bureau wins, the Cult's plans are destroyed. For now......
General thoughts on the Campaign
This campaign has been written with the Modern (current) period in mind. However, you should be able to play it in a variety of periods however without much adaptations, Vietnam, the Interbellum or World War II coming to mind.
Table setup
Most scenarios have pictures to show my table setup. This of course can be varied as desired. I provided a general table setup for each scenario. Unless stated otherwise the table is 3x3 ft or 90x90cms.
When mentioning "accessible" buildings I mean a building with an interior that can be accessed by figures.
Special Rules
I often use disguised figures and infiltrators as wildcards. When doing so, let the player secretly write down a description of the figure and keep the paper to himself until the figure is revealed. The player must then show the paper to his opponent.
Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.