Showing posts with label Lord of the RIngs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lord of the RIngs. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Various Frostgrave and Shadows of Brimstone paintings

Some staged pictures for a wintery Frostgrave scenario 

Vendel Reivers battle DeeZee wolves in the woods around Felstad.

A Heresy Werewolf ambushes a Warlord (or was it a Perry?) archer.

Hobbits, the quintessential Thieves

Some ancient adventurers, most likely Grenadier or perhaps Ral Partha

And a few professional adventurers of more recent stock. The middle one -don't ask me why- might die a lot....

Rangifer based on Imaginative Miniatures' Waldvolk. 

Made for Shadows of Brimstone but eminently suitable as a large metal construct for Frostgrave this Targa Guardian makes for a magnificent model. 

Flying Frog Serpent People for Shadows of Brimstone

And slithering towards the end of this blog post this really yucky Swamp Slug