Showing posts with label car. Show all posts
Showing posts with label car. Show all posts

Sunday, March 18, 2018

*****Stars Review! Pedal to the metal to get Gaslands!

Not for the first time on this blog will I sing the praise of the Osprey rulesets. One of their latest publications once more proves that, in the immortal words of Goethe: "Limitation shows us the master".

Despite their diminutive format, limited 64 pages and Not-Always-50+-Friendly fonts their choice for Gaslands is an excellent one!

Readers of this blog will know that I collect rulesets and am always on the prowl for that elusive combinaton of innovative rules, fast play and fun games. This is such a combination.

Gaslands is about racing in postapocalyptic cars. Think Mad Max meets Death Race 2000. The fluff is minimal (capitalistic Martian plutocrats enforce their dictatorial rule over Earth's population through racing games) but let's be frank: postapocalyptic car racing is its own fluff and doesn't need any other. The game's theme is actually the only thing that isn't innovative, since postapocalyptic car racing has been a love interest for a growing number of people ever since Roger Zelazny wrote Damnation Alley in 1967.

Enough about fluff. Let's get to the rules!

Gaslands is built up in turns which are in turn built up in 6 Gear phases. Players take turns (the First Player or player in Pole Position usually changing each turn) to move their vehicles. The higher the gear you drive in, the faster you go since you must move a vehicle in the Gear Phase that is equal or lower than your current Gear. So a vehicle in Gear 3 moves in Gear Phases 1 through 3 and a vehicle in Gear 6 moves in all of them. Once you complete the move of the vehicle, the vehicle may fire its weapons if it has any.

Shifting gears
A vehicle may roll 1 or more Gear Dice up to its Handling Factor. These dice give you either maneuvers or the opportunity to change Gear. The more Gear Dice you roll, the more options you will have and the more maneuverable you become. Or... the more risks you take to skid, slip & spin... Since you can cancel unwanted maneuvers with Shifts, but also need Shifts to accelerate and stay in the higher Gear Phases and never know how many Shifts you will roll, there are all sorts of choices to make.

The vehicles move along movement templates that differ with the gear you drive in. Your maneuvers can be spoiled in all kind of interesting ways with Slides and Spins, although these not always yield unwanted results. It's just a matter of whether that collision is desirable now, or a bit later....

Depending on the maneuver and the current Gear you get either bonus Shifts to enhance your maneuverability, or Hazard counters. Hazard Counters can be discarded with Shifts, but when not, stack up and as soon as you collect 6 your car will "Wipeout" as you lose control and the vehicle comes to a standstill in a cloud of swirling dust (when you are lucky) or a ball of flames (when you are not!).

You need higher Gears to stay in the turn, but also to acquire some maneuvers that are only allowed in higher Gears

Models and scale
Gaslands is essentially scalefree. However the author encourages to use Hotwheel scale (if there is such a thing) cars to play with. The advantage is that these are roughly 1/67 scale which can be combined with 20mm figures and terrain. As you can see you can really go to town building all kind of terrain.

Damage is caused by collisions, less succesfull wipeouts and enemy fire. This uses a simple system of chassis squares. Once they run out, you have been Wrecked!

Suffice to say this game is heartily recommended!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Vehicular pursuit rules for A Fistful of Kung Fu 1.2 (EDIT May 8th)

The magnificent little ruleset that is A Fistful of Kung Fu has very few flaws, but vehicle pursuit rules are unfortunately not included. Allthough Andrea Sfiligoi is working on an expansion that also includes these rules, I became impatient and wrote my own. These are currently being playtested and will be edited in the future. In the meantime, feel free to try them yourself! 

EDIT May 8th:
Ramming modifier for heavier vehicles added. Turn rules improved and enhanced turn ability for bikes added. 

Pictures of a test game


Vehicles activate the same way and at the same moment as the driver. The driver rolls 1-3 Activation Dice. A Driving Activation may either be a Move, a Stunt or Hands-off-the-Wheel (HotW). These may be combined in any order.

Vehicles have a Combat and a Speed stat and a Turn Stat. Vehicles offer 2 points of cover unless stated otherwise. 


                               Combat                 Speed                    Turn (max 90 degrees)
Bulldozer                  C10                        Short                      Short curved Move
Truck                        C8                           Medium                 Medium curved move
Car                           C4                           Long                      Medium curved Move
Bike                          C2                           2xMedium             Long curved Move

·         The vehicle may execute a Turn (any Move deviating from a straight- and along a curved line), an Emergency stop, a Start or a move of a maximum of Speed inches in a straight line for 1 Activation.

A turn is any deviation from a straight line up to a total of 90 degrees. Cars may only turn once per activation. Bikes may turn twice. 

·                     Unlike other Actions, a Stunt MUST be announced beforehand!
·                     The vehicle may execute a Stunt for 2 Activations. Should the driver not get the two required Actions, he                 will Lose Control. 
·                     a 180 Turn (any turn of more than 90 degrees)
·                     a Jump (2x Speed)   
·                     a Wheelie ( half the space width to pass through)
·                     a High speed turn (after at least 2 full straight moves)

A car performing a wheelie on a wheelie stand

while driving (which will still cost him at least 1 Activation) the driver may execute one Action for 1 other Activation like shooting out of the window, grabbing a passer-by or opening/closing a door.

Lose Control
Failing a Quality Test by the driver or rolling three Failures means the driver Loses Control of the vehicle. The vehicle will immediately move 1 x Speed in a random direction in its forward 180 degrees and then stop. The engine will falter in any case and needs to be re-started.  

Vehicle combat
Ramming a vehicle with another vehicle works like close combat. Both parties roll 1d6, add Combat and modifiers and consult the Vehicle Combat Table. Buildings and other Immovable terrain features have a Combat result value of 10 (no roll). Treat a collision with an immovable terrain feature (e.g. a building) as an attack by the terrain feature on the vehicle.

Heavy vehicle vs light vehicle always gets a +2 for the Heavy vehicle (i.e. car vs bike). 

 A ramming attack in progress

Vehicle Combat Table

Attacker wins by:
Target wins by:
- Target Vehicle is moved D6 cm away from the attacker
- Attacker is immovable object: target vehicle stops and engine falters
No effect
- Target driver rolls Q test or Lose Control
- Attacker is immovable object: target vehicle is disabled. Passengers may exit in the next turn.
No effect
- Target disabled and driver rolls Q test -1 or Loses Control
- Attacker is immovable object: target vehicle is disabled. Passengers take a C4 hit. Bikers take a C6 hit.
Target Driver gets 1 Reaction (even an Extra!)
- Target car disabled and driver  loses Control
- Attacker is immovable object: target vehicle is disabled. 1 Extra is killed. All others take a C6 hit. Bikers take a C8 hit.
- Attacker driver rolls Q test or Loses Control
- Attacker is immovable object: target vehicle stops in time and may make 1 free Move.

- Target flips over and crashes into the nearest terrain feature. All Extras are killed. All other car passengers take a C6 hit. Bikers take a C8 hit.
- Attacker car disabled and driver rolls Q test -1 or Loses Control
- Attacker is immovable object: target vehicle evades immovable object and may either make 1 free Move or immediately roll for 3 Activations.

Shooting at the passengers of a vehicle works as normal. All covered vehicles except bikes offer -2 Cover unless stated otherwise.

Shooting at a vehicle works as normal. Both the shooter and the vehicle roll 1d6, add Combat and modifiers and consult Shooting At Vehicles Table.

Shooting at Vehicles Table

Attacker wins by:
Target wins by:
Windshield shatters. Target driver rolls Q test or Loses Control
No effect
Tire hit! Target driver rolls Q test -1 or Loses Control. All Q-tests are now -1.
No effect
Driver is hit! If disabled, passenger must roll Q test to take over the wheel! Or LC....
- Shooter drops his weapon in the car. Takes 1 Action to retrieve it.
Target Vehicle disabled. Roll Q test or LC
- Shooters weapon jams. It takes 1 full turn to unjam it.
- in a crowd, a bystander is hit on a 5-6

Gas tank hit. Target vehicle explodes and LC. All car passengers take a C6 hit. Survivors may exit the vehicle.
- Shooter startles the attacker driver. Roll Q test or LC
- shooter drops his weapon on the street. It is lost.

Moving across the table:
Playing a pursuit demands a large table with terrain that enables a pursuit (i.e. lots of roads, curves and avoidable stuff). When the pursuit moves off table, simply continue play on the opposite (appropriate) side of the table.  

As soon as the first vehicle re-enters the new table edge, roll 1D6 and consult Obstacle Table.

Obstacle Table
Obstacle encountered
No obstacle
Moving Obstacle appears straight ahead at D6xshort distance
Moving Obstacle appears from the right at the first crossing
Moving Obstacle appears from the left at the first crossing
Stationary Obstacle appears straight ahead at D6xShort
No obstacle

Ending the pursuit
As soon as the pursued vehicle outruns the pursuers by more the 1 table length, he has shaken his pursuers and the pursuit is over.
As soon as the pursuers disable the pursued vehicle, the pursuit is over as well.

The rules assume a certain quantity of other Traffic on the table. All Traffic on the table will usually -for practical purposes- be static unless moving because of the Obstacle table. All Moving traffic will move 1 Medium per turn (drive safely!) in a straight line before any player Moves. Traffic will never actively collide (these are decent drivers, you know) and always stop before colliding when moving. The same might not be true about players....

Car Gadgets
Under Construction.

Figures in cars
So as to present a good visual spectacle, figures should not be placed on top of or next to driving vehicles. Use an off-table template representing the seats in the vehicle.