Showing posts with label Pele tower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pele tower. Show all posts

Friday, February 17, 2023

Building a Pele Tower part 2

The finished product. There will be some interior trappings like gobelins and furniture depending on he period I use it in but the main project is finished. 

Rear view

Ground floor

First floor

Second floor

Top floor

Stairwell detail

The door hinges on a magnetic fitting. Meet Claire btw. 

And closes again of course

Room detail. Meet Jaime. 

Monday, January 30, 2023

Building a Pele tower part 1

Years ago I built my version of a Pele tower, that iconic fortress type of Border region northern England and Scotland. However, when I visited real ones in the UK it was clear it didn't look a bit like it. So I knew it had to be done again and better this time. 

The tower so far. 

And what do you know? The coming of The Baron's War ruleset provided the right incentive. 

Having learned a lot about working with styropor in the past years I chose that material. The first box-like shape looked like this based on pictures and drawings I found on the web. 

The first shape, here still with the thick base I later discarded. 

The outer window shapes, cornerstones and ramparts
I undercut the steps of the stairs si the base edges would fit underneath them, enabling the figures to be positioned on the stairs. 
Engraving the masonry with a pencil

I cut out the floors with a little hotwire jacksaw. The jigsaw pattern will make them fit snugly into each other. 

Adding a top roof

The four main parts

Window and door details

The door hinges on a little but strong magnet

The internal winding stairs. They are not really accessible for the miniatures but too nice a detail to leave out!

And then the painting can begin. First layers and highlights. 

The tower so far. 

I still have a ways to go painting-wise. And of course adding details like door hinges, colored windows and flock. Stay tuned for part 2!