Sunday, January 24, 2021

Do you wanna live forever? Or at all? Undead for Oathmark coming to the table.

 I finished my Undead for Oathmark. I think I am done painting Fantasy for quite a while now.

Also, I might have overshot my mark. They're 6.500 points worth of Undead.....

The figures come from a wide range of leftovers: Zvezda Cursed Legion, Reaper Bones Wraiths, GW Ghosts, Mantic Ghouls and Revenants, Zombicide Archers, North Star Frostgrave stuff and some undead that are so old I have no idea who made them. 

1 comment:

  1. That is one hell of a big army Pijlie, I would not like to face them on the table.
