Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Arrrr, I say! Mbongo Wabapi! Latest Ducosim game!

Impressions of my latest participation game, played last saturday at Ducosim in Amersfoort NL.

Amongst the usual colourful chaos two crews of pirates vied for the treasure (but where is that damn thing?!) , a Royal Navy crew was out to hang at least one pirate and a cannibal tribe had to capture and eat at least one enemy commander to please the Vulcano God.

As you can tell, I enjoyed myself 


  1. Looks great! What game system were they running?

  2. That would be my patented convention participation game ruleset PEWPEW :)

    See http://pijlieblog.blogspot.nl/2014/09/escape-from-amersfoort-snake-strikes.html for the full 3/4 of an A4.

  3. Damn, damn, neat post, love it, well done.

  4. Very nice scenery and also a goof piece of game with lots of action. Your report is very inspirational and I am planning right now to build up my own set of pirate-skirmish with boats and islands and other stuff. I am currently building my own boat for my french navy to encounter my two pirate-ships.Please write more reports about your pirate-projects! :)
